Monday, December 19, 2011


From the beginning, Tan, based on the Tan Kingdom was awarded in the Ji Territory. Therefore the originally headquarters was in Ji Jun. During the Han period, its ancestors belonged to the Hong Nong, also known as Hong Nong Jun.

Hong Nong territory was situated in the present west He Nan Luo Yang ( 河 南 洛 阳 以 西) to Shan District ( 陕 县). And also the ancient Nan Yang Fu ( 南 阳 府) west border as well as the Commercial Shan Xi ( 陕 西 商 县) District.

The controlled Hong Nong, the ancient city was in the present south Ling Bao ( 灵 宝) District, that is Qin Han Gu Guang Land ( 秦 函 谷 关 地). After that, the descendants made Hong Nong as their administrative centre. Until 38th year Kang Xi ( 康 熙) of the Qing Dynasty, the name was changed due to superstition. It is being used until now as recorded by the Record Book of the Ethnic Group.

Hundred surnames for common people: Tan, Ji Jun Shao Surname Explanatory: During the Han Dynasty, there was the He Nan Yin Tan He ( 河 南 尹 谭 阂), generally with the same pronunciation. Note that Hong Nong territory was in He Nan , where their ancestors was in the Hong Nong, automatically they would be in the He Nan Yin Tan He.

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